Sunday, February 15, 2015

What makes an Tragic Figure

The Sophoclean Hero Sophocles’ heroes are famous for
their determination and single-minded perseverance, their
privileging of the individual over the city or the community, and
their force of character. Although Antigone gives her name to this
play, Creon has by far the greater number of lines, and he is the
one to suffer a tragic “reversal.” Discuss what makes each of them a tragic figure, you 
may also wish to address the question of how Antigone’s gender
affects her role as a heroic figure.

Both Creon and Antigone are tragic figures. Creon is a tragic figure because He ruled as a king. When he decided to deny Polyneices the proper burial. This broke one of the gods laws stating that each man should have a proper burial.  This throws him into a fate of suffering. Creons human flaws and emotions such as pride and arrogance led him to his down fall which ties him to being a tragic hero.  Antigone shows the power of women. She is faithful to the gods. She also cares a lot about her family too. 

 Creon is above and Antigone is in the picture below.
The music in the video is very interesting. I typed in music of Antigone and got this.

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