Sunday, February 8, 2015

Relationships in and Between stories.

Odysseus and Athena. Compare their relationship with
that of Job and God. What does this suggest about the religious
attitudes of the Hebrews and the Greeks? [For Odysseus-Athena,
analyze carefully the long interview between them in XIII.252ff.] 2.
Discuss Woman’s role in the Odyssey . [Faithful consort
(Penelope, Arete) or temptation (Circe, Calypso, the Sirens, even
Nausicaa). Helen has been one and is now the other. How
“female” is Athena?] 3. List and differentiate the different
recognitions of Odysseus, in- tended and unintended

Job was a persistent follower of God.  He puts all of his trust in Him and Satan wants to test him.  The Lord allows and Satan takes everything from him.  Job continues to stay faithful to the Lord and He blesses him tremendously for it. Athena directs Odysseus without telling him the answer. She doesn’t necessarily come straight out and tell him what to do or where to go. The women were strong and wise and had a lot to do with what the men did.  They seemed to be in control. Odysseus made through a lot at the end of the story without being noticed, but he eventually did get noticed because of a scar on his leg. Odysseus and Athena still had a close relationship just like Job and god. Odysseus and Job both had great trust and put all their faith into their god. This is a good thing because you always need to put faith into your god that you believe in and good things will come in return. 

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