Sunday, April 12, 2015

Paradise Lost

Analyze, in specific passages from the selections in the
Anthology , the ways in which Milton dramatizes the concept of the
fall as a felix culpa a “happy fault,” What songs are appropriate for
 Milton? Images?
In Paradise Lost the main theme is Adam and Eve lost paradise by disobeying God's orders. Milton tries to make the fall appear not as a bad thing. This "Happy fault" brings out some good things that happen in the fall of Adam and Eve. However I think that Milton is stretching reality and is completely wrong. You can not find good in the biggest mistake of Mankind. There is no good in something that created sin, death , and hell.  Milton can not minimize the mistake of Adam and Eve. 
I feel like this is what Milton was saying adam and eve were feeling like through this song by Darius Rucker. 

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