Sunday, April 26, 2015

Defence of Poetry

At the end of chapter II, Douglass says that the “wild
songs” of slaves express and relieve their unhappiness. In A
Defence of Poetry , Shelley proclaims that “Poetry is the record of
the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds.”
To what degree is their disagreement resolved if we view “wild
songs” and poetry as fundamentally different means of
expression? Could one argue that the two forms are similar and
that the contradiction suggested in this juxtaposition is more
apparent than real? Drawing on the reading you have done this
semester, define poetry and song and explain the emotions that
seem to produce them. 2. What kind of poem is The Love Song of
J. Alfred Prufrock ? Is it a monologue? A dramatic monologue? An
inner monologue? What difference does such identification make?

1. Poems are usually written to have a flow to them that maybe could be written by a composer into a song. This allows one to show feeling without actually having to tell it. However, I do not agree with Shelley because although poems sometimes have happier emotions, but not all poems are about happy moments. Some poems have dark depressing emotions that only one who has felt pain or despair would understand. This is clear to anyone who reads or writes poetry. 
2. The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock is a dramatic monologue. I believe this because it follows all the characteristics that defines a dramatic monologue. A dramatic monologue consist of; someone other than the poet who's speech is the entire poem, that person must interact with others, and the poet shows us that persons character without descriptions. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Nature and Its Beauty

From this list answer in detail.
 Part1 -1. Wordsworth: Sunshine and clouds in
2. An impression of the “sister” in Tintern Abbey . 
3. The morality of Tintern Abbey  (or of Immortality ).

Part2- Discuss in the poems from the Romanticism Period: 4. The
function of nature in a single. 5. A comparison between a
Keats poem and one by Shelley. 6. A single emotion that attracts
the speaker—and why.

Part 1. 
In "odes on Intimations of Immortality" Wordsworth mentions nature. In his poem nature and its relationship to humanity makes up the poem. When words worth things about nature he feels sad, even though nature is a great gift from god. Wordsworth wonders about how theses people can have their spirits and get back on their feet if they seem to be falling.  The sunshine provides him with a sense that there is a glorious birth. The birth Reminds us that it comes from someone's setting. The clods gather around a setting sun which brings about a darkness to the sky. The darkness in the sky or the clouds remind us that bad things can happen and are happening in the world. 
Part 2
1.  In the poem, nature was meant to represent humanity. Mother Nature is used in the poem to be a balancing force. If the poem talked about nature being sunshine it meant something like birth or a new beginning. The winter is usually talking about bad events. Poems during this time were trying to get across the meanings and descriptions of things that is still happening here to this day. 
2. Shelley and Keats both use nature to express their personal feelings.  After reading their poems if feel like they use nature to express what they are feeling. Shelley is disgruntled with the king and Princes and therefore talks about muddy springs. In Bright star, Keats is talking about being lonely and desire for love.  
3. Love is an emotion that grabs the most attention. Love is about mystery and has a great story behind it. Love is just like nature in that it is beautiful. When you look at nature you find more things that you love about it. With love, you find more things about the person that you are attracted to and fall even more in love with them. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Paradise Lost

Analyze, in specific passages from the selections in the
Anthology , the ways in which Milton dramatizes the concept of the
fall as a felix culpa a “happy fault,” What songs are appropriate for
 Milton? Images?
In Paradise Lost the main theme is Adam and Eve lost paradise by disobeying God's orders. Milton tries to make the fall appear not as a bad thing. This "Happy fault" brings out some good things that happen in the fall of Adam and Eve. However I think that Milton is stretching reality and is completely wrong. You can not find good in the biggest mistake of Mankind. There is no good in something that created sin, death , and hell.  Milton can not minimize the mistake of Adam and Eve. 
I feel like this is what Milton was saying adam and eve were feeling like through this song by Darius Rucker. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Canterbury Tales

In The Wife of Bath's prologue, Alysoun argues against the Medieval Church by explaining how she has had five husbands. During this explanation she defends herself by saying that she has never heard about there being a limit to the number of husbands one can have. That man has only interpreted the Bible to what they believe it to say. She when explains the passage where God says to increase and multiply. That he does not once say that bigamy or even octogamy is a sin or scandal. She continues to say that King Solomon had more than one wife and yet he was not ridiculed or judged for it.