Sunday, March 1, 2015

What Beatitudes and Other Religions believe

Compare the recommendations for human conduct
offered in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5.3–11) and those that are
implied in the Greek texts you have read. 2. How do Islamic
perceptions of Heaven and Hell differ from those of Christianity
and Judaism? 3. What is the Koranic attitude toward women as
revealed in Sura 12 (Joseph)?

The Beatitudes practice Christianity. They look to the bible and its stories to help guide them in their religion. They also believe in god. In the text that we have read in class the characters follow the greek gods. They do not read a book like the bible to help them practice their religion. The mortal and the gods communicate often and the gods give the mortals advice. For the Beatitudes, this does not happen usually. The only interaction they get are from other mortals or when God and the prophets talk. 
In the Islamic religion they believe in Allah. Allah is similar to God because is the king of heaven. Islamics believe that heaven has multiple ates and Allah decides wether you get to pass through each gate or not. If your bad deeds outweigh your good, you go to Hell known as Jahnnam. Christianity and Judaism are very similar in their beliefs. believe that when you die God decides whether or not you go to heaven or hell. They both believe that once you go to heaven or hell that is where you remain.
The Koranic attitude towards women is that women are treated like objects than human beings. They are only really there to pleasure and nurture men. 

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