Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Green Knight

This is The Four Seasons by Vivaldi. I feel this describes what I explained above. The first couple seasons are happy, as you get to winter it gets more dark and does not so cheerful or playful.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Dante's Inferno

BLOG : 1. The suitability of the penalties to the sins in the
Inferno . 2. The differences between upper and lower Hell. 3.
Possible differences between Dante’s perspective and ours.

1. The suitability of the penalties to the sins in the inferno is that the punishment fit the sin. They each gets punished just as harshly as their sins. That's why as at the beginning of hell the punishment is light and as you get deeper it get harsher. The ones that are in the Ninth circle of hell are getting chewed by Lucifer. 

2. The people in upper hell are only there because of self-indulgence. This means that they didnt do anything wrong, but love something or someone to much. However the people in lower hell were put there because the main out come was to harm others either through violence or fraud. 
3.  Our view on hell that there is only one level of hell and everyone goes there because of their sins. Dante on the other hand has hell split into 9 levels each one getting worst as you go deeper in hell. We also believe that when you die god can decide whether or not you can be forgiven for your sins and sent to heaven instead of hell. Dante believed that you had to pay for your sins no matter what. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Song of Roland

Discuss: 1. The poet’s attitude toward Roland. 2.
Archbishop Turpin and the Crusaders’ attitude. 3. The
supernatural and the superhuman elements in the poem. 4.
Elements of oral poetry in Roland .
In the Song of Roland the poet portrays Roland as a Hero. The poet did this by making Roland a courageous person who is very confident in his army. The poet had Roland die in a heroic death and sent him straight to God's Kingdom (Heavin). Archbishop Turpin fought bravely beside Roland, to which he proved his loyalty to Roland. The poet also made the Archbishop the inspiration for the first crusade. The Christian crusades brought the crusaders who were for the cause of the crusade. The Crusaders also fought along Roland in the Crusade. This also proves that they had loyalty and were brave. First of the story is an Epic, which epics were told Orally. The Song of Roland is broken up into verses. Which inside the verses the 4th and 10th syllables had emphasis on them or know in the musical world a syllabic stress .  Many of the poetic devices in  The Song of Roland are lost when it is translated from the dialect of Old French in which it was composed. 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

What Beatitudes and Other Religions believe

Compare the recommendations for human conduct
offered in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5.3–11) and those that are
implied in the Greek texts you have read. 2. How do Islamic
perceptions of Heaven and Hell differ from those of Christianity
and Judaism? 3. What is the Koranic attitude toward women as
revealed in Sura 12 (Joseph)?

The Beatitudes practice Christianity. They look to the bible and its stories to help guide them in their religion. They also believe in god. In the text that we have read in class the characters follow the greek gods. They do not read a book like the bible to help them practice their religion. The mortal and the gods communicate often and the gods give the mortals advice. For the Beatitudes, this does not happen usually. The only interaction they get are from other mortals or when God and the prophets talk. 
In the Islamic religion they believe in Allah. Allah is similar to God because is the king of heaven. Islamics believe that heaven has multiple ates and Allah decides wether you get to pass through each gate or not. If your bad deeds outweigh your good, you go to Hell known as Jahnnam. Christianity and Judaism are very similar in their beliefs. believe that when you die God decides whether or not you go to heaven or hell. They both believe that once you go to heaven or hell that is where you remain.
The Koranic attitude towards women is that women are treated like objects than human beings. They are only really there to pleasure and nurture men.